DSP12 Ti- Code Composer Studio가 무료로 풀렸다. 무료 다운로드 링크 : http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Download_CCS CCS v4, v5, v6을 사용하던 사람들은 2.1 Free license for older versions부분을 참고하여 파일을 받아서 풀고 인증하면 된다. 2017. 4. 11. DSP Error 1135 오실레이터 출력핀에 붙어있는 노이즈 저감용 저항이 납땜이 제대로 되지 않아서 문제가 발생하였음. error message---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Error connecting to the target: (Error - 1135 @ 0x0) The emulator reported an error. Confirm emulator configuration and connections, reset the emulator, and retry the operation.-------------------------------------------------.. 2013. 4. 23. Encoder Signal Generator - tms320f283335 encoder pulse generator A & B signal. PWM1A, PWM2A - Set Phase reg : 90 deg /* ==============================================================================System Name: YPEMC_encoder pulse generator File Name:encoder_gneerator.c Target: TMS320F28335 Note: encoder pulse generatorduty ratio 0.5, 1024 pulse, frequency change a/ab/bz UVW==============================================================.. 2012. 4. 12. DSP library http://www.ti.com/tool/controlsuite 2012. 3. 12. DSP2833x _IO 테스트 소스. #include "DSP28x_Project.h" #include void Delay_loop(void); long Delay_length = 2142856;//150MHz 의 SYSCLK, 0.2s 지연 void main(void) { DINT; IER = 0x0000; IFR = 0x0000; InitSysCtrl(); // SYSCLKOUT (CLKIN) = (30000*10)/2 = 150000 : 150 MHz // InitPll(DSP28_PLLCR,DSP28_DIVSEL); 10 2에서 설정. // peripheral clocks 설정. EALLOW; //GPxMUXn : 핀 기능설정, adc는 따로지정되어 있음. 0: 출력 GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX1.all = 0x00000000.. 2011. 11. 8. dsp-errer Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000024/-1137 Error during: Register, Execution, It appears that the target is being held in reset. This may be due to Wait-In-Reset (WIR) configuration set by the EMU0=0 and EMU1=1 pin settings. If this is the case, DISCONNECT all CONNECTED devices including icepick and then select RETRY to clear the WIR configuration. If this is a multi-core system, the master C.. 2011. 7. 29. 이전 1 2 다음