num = [4500];
den = [1 1 0];
G = tf(num , den);
G1 = tf(1, den);
G = G*G1;
P = bodeoptions; % Set phase visiblity to off and frequency units to Hz in options
P.PhaseVisible = 'on';
P.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % Create plot with the options specified by P
grid on
>>help bodeoptions
BODEOPTIONS Creates option list for Bode plot.
P = BODEOPTIONS returns the default options for Bode plots. This
list of options allows you to customize the Bode plot appearance
from the command line. For example
P = bodeoptions;
% Set phase visiblity to off and frequency units to Hz in options
P.PhaseVisible = 'off';
P.FreqUnits = 'Hz';
% Create plot with the options specified by P
h = bodeplot(tf(1,[1,1]),P);
creates a Bode plot with the phase plot visbility turned off and the
frequency units in Hz.
P = BODEOPTIONS('cstprefs') initializes the plot options with the
Control System Toolbox preferences.
Available options include:
Title, XLabel, YLabel Label text and style
TickLabel Tick label style
Grid [off|on] Show or hide the grid
XlimMode, YlimMode Limit modes
Xlim, Ylim Axes limits
IOGrouping Grouping of input-output pairs [none|inputs|output|all]
InputLabels, OutputLabels Input and output label styles
InputVisible, OutputVisible Visibility of input and output channels
FreqUnits [Hz|rad/s] Frequency Units
FreqScale [linear|log] Frequency Scale
MagUnits [dB|abs] Magnitude Units
MagScale [linear|log] Magnitude Scale
MagVisible [on|off] Magnitude plot visibility
MagLowerLimMode [auto|manual] Enables a lower magnitude limit
MagLowerLim Specifies the lower magnitude limit
PhaseUnits [deg|rad] Phase units
PhaseVisible [on|off] Phase plot visibility
PhaseWrapping [on|off] Enables phase wrapping
PhaseMatching [on|off] Enables phase matching
PhaseMatchingFreq Frequency for matching phase
PhaseMatchingValue The value to make the phase repsonses
margin(tf(num, den))
이 명령어는 GM 과 PM을 그림에 자동으로 보여주는 명령어이다.
margin(tf(num, den))
이 명령어는 GM 과 PM을 그림에 자동으로 보여주는 명령어이다.
[pole,zero] = pzmap(tf(num, den))
근궤적이 아닌 pole과 zero에 대한 그림이다.
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